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Αποτελέσματα 2 έως 16 από 16 < προηγούμενο 
2021Do in-kind donations promote cooperation among non-governmental organisations? Lessons from the Greek refugee crisis-
2019Hypoglycemia unawarensss is associated with attachment and reflective functioning in people with Type 1 diabetes.Petros Thomakos; Fay Griva; Olga Kepaptsoglou; Asimina Mitrakou; Grigoris Vaslamatzis; Christos Zoupas
2023Identifying the factors affecting social integration of refugees in local societies: a literature reviewEleftheriou Vasileios; Kyriakidis Charalampos; Potsiou Chryssy
2020Into the Vicious Cycle of Precarity. Labour Market, Precarious Work, Social Vulnerability and Youth: The case of Greece within the EU contextPapadakis, Nikos; Drakaki, Maria; Saridaki, Sofia; Dafermos, Vassilis
2022Is access to housing & tenure security a critical factor for the social integration of refugees in Greece?Eleftheriou Vasileios; Kyriakidis Charalampos; Potsiou Chryssy
2020Precarious Work and Youth, in Greece: theoretical and definitional insights and critical notes on the international- national state of play and the impact of precariousness in young people’s life course and political behaviorPapadakis, Nikos; Drakaki, Maria; Saridaki, Sofia; Vassilis Dafermos
2019Psychological indicators and hypoglycaemia awareness status amongst people with Type 1 diabetes on insulin pump therapy.Thomakos P.; Griva F.; Kepaptsoglou O.; Kallis A.; Vaslamatzis G.; Mitrakou A.; Zoupas C.
2022Study of the degree of integration of refugees in Greece in relation to socio-spatial aspectsPotsiou Chryssy; Eleftheriou Vasileios; Kyriakidis Charalampos
2021Successful niche building by social innovation in social economy networks and the potential for societal transformationAmanatidou, Effie ; Tzekou, Eirini-Erifyli ; Gritzas, Giorgos
2021‘The Degree of Despair’. The Disjointed Labour Market, the Impact of the Pandemic, the Expansion of Precarious Work among Youth and its Effects on Young Peoples’ Life Trajectories, Life Chances and Political Mentalities - Public Trust. The Case of GreecePapadakis, Nikos; Drakaki, Maria ; Saridaki, Sofia; Dafermos, Vassilis
2022The effects of environmental information provision on plastic bag use and marine environment status in the context of the environmental levy in GreeceΜέντης, Χαράλαμπος; Maroulis, George ; Latinopoulos, Dionysis ; Bithas, Kostas
2022Tracing otherness in online cemetery audience research: the ‘Other’ at the cemetery of Anastasis of Piraeus and the Third Cemetery of AthensParaskevopoulou, Ioanna; Dermitzoglou, Georgios
2021Tracing the effects of the plastic bag levy on consumer behaviour in the case of GreeceΜαρούλης, Γεώργιος; Μέντης, Χαράλαμπος; Λατινόπουλος, Διονύσιος; Μπίθας, Κωνσταντίνος
2020Επισφαλής Εργασία και Νέα Γενιά: θεωρητικές προκείμενες, διεθνείς διαστάσεις και ερευνητικές επισημάνσεις για την κατάσταση των πραγμάτων στην Ελλάδα σήμεραΠαπαδάκης, Νικόλαος; Δρακάκη, Μαρία; Σαριδάκη, Σοφία ; Δαφέρμος, Βασίλης
2019Η σημασία του πρωταρχικού δεσμού στον σακχαρώδη διαβήτη τύπου 1Φ. Γρίβα; Π. Θωμάκος; Ο. Κεπαπτσόγλου; Μ. Τζινιέρη-Κοκκώση; Α. Μητράκου; Χ. Ζούπας; Γ. Βασλαματζής