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Τύπος: Άρθρο σε περιοδικό
Τίτλος: Big health and genetic data: opportunities, risks and legal conundrums regarding the application of GDPR
Συγγραφέας: [EL] Ιγγλεζάκης, Ιωάννης[EN] Iglezakis, Ioannissemantics logo
[EL] Κιορτσή, Παναγιώτα[EN] Kiortsi, Panagiotasemantics logo
Μέλος ερευνητικής ομάδας: [EL] Τροκάνας, Θεόδωρος[EN] Trokanas, Theodorossemantics logo
Ημερομηνία: Ιου-2021
Περίληψη: Τhis article explores the major legal issues arising from the collection and processing of Big Health Data in light of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 679/2016). It defines the concepts of big data, in general and big health and genetic data, in more particular, and their regulation by the GDPR. Then, it deals with the issue whether big health data are personal data and fall within the field of application of the GDPR. Subsequently, it applies the principles relating to data processing as regards Big Health and Genetic Data and the legal grounds which justify their processing by both public and private entities. Last but not least, it focuses on the mitigation of risks concerning data subject’s rights while embracing the opportunities which Big Health Data has to offer by providing safeguards. In this respect, this article highlights the significance of DPIAs and privacy by design in the context of Big Health and Genetic Data processing.
Γλώσσα: Αγγλικά
Τόπος δημοσίευσης: New York, USA
Σελίδες: 22
ISSN: 1094-2904
Θεματική κατηγορία: [EL] Δίκαιο[EN] Lawsemantics logo
Λέξεις-κλειδιά: Big Datahealth datagenetic datasourcesstakeholdersGDPRprocessing principleslegal basesDPIA
Κάτοχος πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων: Wolters Kluwer
Διατίθεται ανοιχτά στην τοποθεσία: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352952724_Big_Health_and_Genetic_Data_Opportunities_Risks_and_Legal_Conundrums_regarding_the_application_of_GDPR
Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση περιοδικού: https://law-store.wolterskluwer.com/s/
Τίτλος πηγής δημοσίευσης: Journal of Internet Law
Τεύχος: 10
Τόμος: 24
Σελίδες τεκμηρίου (στην πηγή): 1, 13-26
Σημειώσεις: Operational Programme «Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning. Co-financed by Greece and the European Union
Εμφανίζεται στις συλλογές:Ερευνητικές ομάδες

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