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Τύπος: Ανακοίνωση σε συνέδριο
Τίτλος: Multiculturalism in international cinema productions: Films shot in Crete
Συγγραφέας: [EL] Τσαγκαράκης, Νικόλαος[EN] Tsagarakis, Nikolaossemantics logo
[EL] Κόμη, Κατερίνα[EN] Komi, Katerinasemantics logo
[EL] Μήνη, Παναγιώτα[EN] Mini, Panayiotasemantics logo
Ημερομηνία: Φεβ-2021
Περίληψη: Multiculturalism in cinema manifests itself in various ways, most prominently through: a) international film productions where people of different origins and backgrounds are brought together and b) film narratives that concern the encounter between native and foreign individuals or groups. This presentation will cover both cases by focusing on five film productions which have been partially or fully shot in Crete, Greece: Celui Qui doit mourir (He who must die, Jules Dassin, 1957), Zorba the Greek (Michael Cacoyannis, 1964), Tsatsiki, morsan och polisen (Tsatsiki, Mum and the Policeman, Ella Lemhagen, 1999), Eden à l' Ouest (Eden is West, Costa-Gavras, 2009), and Dedemin Insanlari (My Grandfather’s People, Çagan Irmak, 2011). These films represent productions/co productions of a wide range of countries, including Denmark, France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Turkey, and the United States. As the presentation will explain, the films’ makings put multiculturalism in place as they built contacts between foreign and local people, encouraged their cultural interaction, and influenced the shooting places’ societies. At the same time, the films’ narratives put emphasis on the characters’ attempts to transcend cultural barriers. In this respect, the five works under discussion confirm international film productions’ capacity to transfer ideas across communities and suggest broadening national boundaries. This research is co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund- ESF) through the Operational Programme «Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020» in the context of the project "International Film Productions in Greece: The Case of Crete" (MΙS 5049022), in which the paper's authors are currently involved
Γλώσσα: Αγγλικά
Τόπος δημοσίευσης: London, England Virtual
Σελίδες: 8
Θεματική κατηγορία: [EL] Κινηματογράφος, Ραδιόφωνο, Τηλεόραση[EN] Film, Radio,Televisionsemantics logo
Λέξεις-κλειδιά: Film productionFilm locationsinternational film productionfilm co-productionsMulticulturalism
Κάτοχος πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων: © The Author(s) 2021
Όνομα εκδήλωσης: International Conference on Film Studies: "(De)Constructing Cinematic Identities"
Τοποθεσία εκδήλωσης: London, UK
Ημ/νία έναρξης εκδήλωσης: 06/02/2021
Ημ/νία λήξης εκδήλωσης: 07/02/2021
Σημειώσεις: https://eventsget.com/events/international-conference-on-film-studies-deconstructing-cinematic-identities-57370
Εμφανίζεται στις συλλογές:Ερευνητικές ομάδες

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