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Τύπος: Ανακοίνωση σε συνέδριο
Τίτλος: Europeanism or Atlanticism? Perceptions of the “West” by Greek intellectuals in the early Cold war period.
Συγγραφέας: [EL] Ποιμενίδου, Αντιγόνη–Δέσποινα[EN] Poimenidou, Antigoni-Despoinasemantics logo
Ημερομηνία: 06/07/2021
Περίληψη: After 1945, the term “West” acquired a new content, defined by the common values of representative democracy, political liberalism, enlightened moderation and a prudent pragmatism. On an intellectual level, the search for these values culminated in McNeill's The Rise of the West (1963). Similar tendencies can be traced within a group of Greek intellectuals that represented the new generation. With the New Deal as his model, Giorgos Theotokas explored the opportunities of supranationalism since the 1940s and was pivotal in the pro-Western and pro-European orientation of the Democratic Socialist Party; after the war, Theotokas became a leading exponent of Greece’s participation in the Western alliance and European institutions, as well as an ardent admirer of the US constitutional system. Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, Professor of Sociology at the University of Athens, and a prominent Greek politician, viewed a united Europe as a necessity for the future, while similar aspects can be found in Konstantinos Tsatsos’ intellectual and philosophical pursuits since the 1940s. The Cold war was perceived as a conflict extending to all aspects of social, political, economic and intellectual life. From this perspective, Atlanticism and Europeanism were regarded as complementary, not antagonistic notions; participation in the Western alliance, relations with the USA and the full integration in the emerging Western European organizations were the key-elements for the country’s future. These intellectuals did not simply influence the Greek public debates, but also had a crucial role in shaping Greece’s foreign policy. It was the year 1961 that saw the peak of both options: in April, the Prime Minister, Konstantinos Karamanlis, visited the USA; in July, Greece signed its Association Agreement with the EEC. By that time, Tsatsos was Minister for the Prime Minister’s office and the closest associate of Karamanlis, while Kanellopoulos was Vice Prime Minister, and signed the Agreement.
Γλώσσα: Αγγλικά
Τόπος δημοσίευσης: Lisbon, Portugal Virtual
Σελίδες: 5
Θεματική κατηγορία: [EL] Ελληνική ιστορία[EN] Greek historysemantics logo
Λέξεις-κλειδιά: IntellectualsGreeceCold war
Κάτοχος πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων: © Ποιμενίδου, Αντιγόνη–Δέσποινα
Όνομα εκδήλωσης: Transatlantic Studies Association 19th Annual Conference Centre for International Studies, ISCTE-IUL
Τοποθεσία εκδήλωσης: Lisbon, Portugal Virtual
Ημ/νία έναρξης εκδήλωσης: 05/07/2021
Ημ/νία λήξης εκδήλωσης: 07/07/2021
Σημειώσεις: https://www.transatlanticstudies.com/programme-2021
Εμφανίζεται στις συλλογές:Μεταδιδακτορικοί ερευνητές

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