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ή εισάγετε λίγα αρχικά γράμματα:  
Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 7 από 7
2020Compatibility of a security policy for a cloud-based healthcare system with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)Georgiou Dimitra; Lambrinoudakis, Constantinos
2021Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) for cloud-based health organizationsGeorgiou Dimitra; Lambrinoudakis, Constantinos
2021Identifying privacy related requirements for the design of self-adaptive privacy protections schemes in social networksKitsiou, Angeliki ; Tzortzaki, Eleni ; Kalloniatis, Christos; Gritzalis, Stefanos
2020Measuring users’ socio- contextual attributes for self-adaptive privacy within cloud-computing environmentsKitsiou, Angeliki ; Tzortzaki, Eleni ; Kalloniatis, Christos; Gritzalis, Stefanos
2021Reconciling remote sensing technologies with personal data and privacy protection in the European Union: recent developments in Greek legislation and application perspectives in environmental law.Maniadaki Maria ; Mitrou, Lilian; Papathanasopoulos, Athanasios ; Maria, Efpraxia - Aithra
2020Self adaptive privacy in cloud computing environments: identifying the major socio-technical conceptsKitsiou, Angeliki; Tzortzaki, Eleni; Kalloniatis, Christos; Gritzalis, Stefanos
2021The right not to be subject to automated individual decision-making/profiling concerning big health data: developing an algorithmic culture.Iglezakis, Ioannis ; Kiortsi, Panagiota