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ή εισάγετε λίγα αρχικά γράμματα:  
Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 17 από 17
2018A study of membrane protein trafficking, endocytosis and degradation through the development of new genetic and biochemical toolsOlga Martzoukou
2020Biological and immunological activities of probiotic microorganisms in models of inflammation and cancerGeorgios Aindelis; Katerina Chlichlia
2018Cellular, molecular and functional characterization of the endothelial cell migration associated pathways activated by reconstituted HDL containing human apoE3Efi Valanti ; Aikaterini Dalakoura-Karagkouni ; Despina Sanoudou
2019Climate change adaptive management for the protection of the loggerhead sea turtle in the Mediterranean SeaVasiliki Markantonatou; Vasiliki Almpanidou; Antonios Mazaris
2018Current and emerging reconstituted HDL-apoA-I and HDL-apoE approaches to treat atherosclerosisEftaxia-Konstantina Valanti; Katerina Dalakoura-Karagkouni; Despina Sanoudou
2020Effects of exposure to tobacco cigarette, electronic cigarette and heated tobacco product on adipocyte survival and differentiation in vitroZoi Zagoriti; Mohamed A. El Mubarak; Konstantinos Farsalinos; Stavros Topouzis
2018Exploiting extreme phenotypes to investigate haplotype structure and detect signatures of selection for body weight in broilersE. Tarsani; A. Kominakis; G. Theodorou; I. Palamidi
2018Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-linked variants of cardiac myosin-binding protein C3 display altered molecular properties and actin interactionSahar I. Da'as; Khalid Fakhro; Angelos Thanassoulas; Navaneethakrishnan Krishnamoorthy; Alaaeldin Saleh; Brian L. Calver; Bared Safieh-Garabedian; Egon Toft; George Nounesis; F. Anthony Lai; Michail Nomikos
2020Identification of candidate genes for body weight in broilers using extreme-phenotype genome-wide association studyEirini Tarsani; Georgios Theodorou; Irida Palamidi; Antonios Kominakis
2019In vitro comparison of the effects of “reduced risk” nicotine products and of cigarette smoke on adipocyte survival and differentiationMohamed A. El Mubarak; Zoi Zagoriti; Konstantinos Farsalinos; Stavros Topouzis
2019“Ornithopolis”: Outreach activities and educational programs to promote citizen awareness and engagement in scientific research for urban bird diversityGeorgopoulou P.; Tzortzakaki O.; Faulwetter S.; Giokas S.
2019The arrhythmogenic E105A CAM mutation dysregulates normal cardiac function in zebrafish by altering CAM-Ca2+ and CAM-RyR2 interactionsMichail Nomikos; Sahar I. Da’as; Angelos Thanassoulas; Rola Salem; Brian L. Calver; Alaaeldin Saleh; Ali Al-Maraghi; Gheyath K. Nasrallah; Bared Safieh-Garabedian; Egon Toft; George Nounesis; F. Anthony Lai
2021The Bul1/2 alpha-arrestins promote ubiquitylation and endocytosis of the Can1 permease upon cycloheximide-induced TORC1-hyperactivationMegarioti, Amalia H. ; Primo, Cecilia; Kapetanakis, George C.; Athanasopoulos, Alexandros; Sophianopoulou, Vicky; André, Bruno; Gournas, Christos
2019Thermal heterogeneity along the migration corridors of sea turtles: implications for climate change ecologyVasiliki Almpanidou; Vasiliki Markantonatou; Antonios D. Mazaris
2020Towards an educational program for promoting children’s awareness of urban bird diversityPopi Georgopoulou ; Sarah Faulwetter ; Olga Tzortzakaki ; Sinos Giokas
2020Ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή μεθοδολογιών για την ανάλυση και την οπτικοποίηση ομικών δεδομένων που αφορούν στην κυτταρική γήρανση και το μεταβολικό σύνδρομοΙλόνα Μπινενμπάουμ
2023Λειτουργικός χαρακτηρισμός διοξυγονασών σχάσης που μετέχουν στον μεταβολισμό του πρωτοκατεχοϊκού οξέος στο εδαφοβακτήριο Pseudarthrobacter phenanthrenivorans Sphe3: συμβολή τους στον μεταβολισμό υδροξυβενζοϊκών οξέωνΤσαγκογιάννης Επαμεινώνδας