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ή εισάγετε λίγα αρχικά γράμματα:  
Αποτελέσματα 1 έως 10 από 10
2020Assessment of informal learning program on weather phenomena: its perception and necessity in GreeceMakri, Kyriaki ; Galanaki, Elissavet; Koletsis, Ioannis; Kotroni, Vassiliki; Lagouvardos, Konstantinos
2021Detecting dyslexic students' geospatial abilities using a treasure hunt mobile learning applicationMichalakis Vyron Ignatios; Passadelli, Anthoula-Styliani; Vaitis, Michael; Klonari, Aikaterini
2021Effectiveness of game- based educational material for developing spatial thinking of dyslexic students: a case study in lower secondary school.Passadelli, Anthoula-Styliani; Klonari, Aikaterini ; Michalakis, Vyron - Ignatios; Vaitis, Michael
2021Enactments of curriculum policies in Greek secondary education: regulative discourses and the reproduction of social inequalitiesKoutsiouri, Sofia ; Antoniou, Ioulia ; Tsatsaroni, Anna
2020Geography teacher's knowledge of and perceptions on dyslexiaPassadelli, Anthoula-Styliani; Klonari, Aikaterini; Michalakis, Vyron - Ignatios; Vaitis, Michael
2021Global discourses on inclusion and local language curricular practices: a Greek case studyTsatsaroni, Anna ; Koutsiouri, Sofia ; Antoniou, Ioulia
2021Physics teacher webinars for STEM-oriented thermodynamicsKALLIOPI MELI
2022The content of meteorology in Greek geosciences’ textbooksMakri, Kyriaki
2023Εκπαίδευση εκπαιδευτικών στη διδασκαλία STEMΝιπυράκης Αργύρης
2021Η αποτύπωση των χαρτών στα σχολικά εγχειρίδια Γεωεπιστημών: 1900 - 1980Μακρή, Κική